Interview with Sofia Antoniadou

Sofia Antoniadou: “Art is my home. It is both my refuge and my battlefield”

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi-Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”


A paragraph of myself

Art for me is a way of connecting people to each other, of interacting.  Through my work I am inviting the viewer to get into my world and explore his emotions. I want to make him understand how I feel when painting. I believe that painting is my way of coming in touch with my world, as I see it. And that’s one of the things I am trying to show to people through my art, my point of view. I want to make art contagious.

My Inspiration

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for me. When I was young, I used to look at the sky and watch the clouds move. They always seemed to move so freely, constantly changing form and shapes. Now I realize that this is how I would like people to be. Free and constantly evolving, changing. When I feel lost in a dead end, I always take a walk, it helps me come in touch with myself again.

My mediums

When it comes to painting, I use oil. I feel that the moment I create my colors, it is as if the material comes to life in front of my eyes, as if it changes form. Meanwhile, I experiment with other materials too, such as concrete or plaster, to create my sculptures. I also like to sew on different materials and objects, combining unusual materials to each other, exploring texture in each material I use.

My Technique and Style

I am not sure I use a particular technique or style in my painting. I can only say for sure that my technique includes being myself in front of the canvas.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

The point of reaching an end of a project is either extremely easy or, sometimes, extremely difficult. I let it aside for some time, let the colors stabilize and get some distance from the emotional attachment that appears at the moment of creation. I consider an artwork finished, when by looking at it I can see my imprints on it, my moves but also a balance between the explosiveness of my movements and a “breathing” artwork

How important is naming your artworks? How do you choose a name?

The title of each artwork helps the viewer get an idea of ​​what is in the mind of the artist. It may also tell a short story and then, it is up to the viewer to decide what he will experience. Personally, after the completion of an artwork, I try to “listen” to it and give a title that represents me and, at the same time, tells a short story about the work.

Why did you choose art in your life?

Although I have been quite creative from my early ages, the decision to focus exclusively on art came much later. I thought I was not enough. When I went to study on Public Health Systems, I had a strong feeling that inside me laid a hidden energy that had not been released yet. I used to feel trapped, even though I had been trying many different ways to express myself. At that point, I decided to go to a preparatory workshop for Fine Arts and since then, I never looked back. I left everything behind to dedicate myself to art. Art is my home. It is both my refuge and my battlefield.