Interview with Cat DM

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi – Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”

A paragraph about myself

I am a digital artist born and raised in Medellin, Colombia. Now residing in North Carolina, I seek to inspire curiosity and exploration through my unique mix of photography and digital illustration. Working from my Durham, NC-based studio, Starstruck Creative, I mix architecture, science, sustainability, and travel to invite viewers to connect with the greater world around them.


Inspiration sources

My art medium is illustration, so I draw inspiration from many artists. Carlo Stanga (@carlostanga) is my favourite, I love his style, but also he is the teacher that introduced me to architectural illustration. In addition, several art periods, art forms, and artists inspire me. I admire the Dutch Golden Age artists because they incorporated cutting-edge techniques into their art. I like Vermeer the most. He was a great innovator, using lenses to create his art. I identify with artists that seek to incorporate some new technology into their work.

Nature is also a fantastic source of inspiration, from small things growing in my backyard to the universe. Nature is the ultimate artist. Finally, I draw inspiration from life experiences, travel, conversations with friends, and things I see around me. Being a human in this crazy world is a good source of inspiration.


Materials you use

I am a digital artist; I create my work using Adobe Photoshop.

Technique and style

I mostly use my photography in my art. I turn photos I have taken into sketches, and I then transform them into illustrations. I spend a reasonable amount of time thinking about colours in my art; I want to evoke emotions through colour.


How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

Defining the point of completion of an artwork is very intuitive for me. I simply feel it. It’s as if the artwork talks to me and tells me it’s ready to see the world. However, since I work in the digital space, I often revisit and refine or edit some artworks. So it’s an evolving process for me.


How important is the title of your work and how do you choose each title?

Naming my art is important but not crucial. For me, an artwork name is a point of reference, a hopeful reflection of the theme and inspiration of a particular piece. Sometimes I have fun naming my art; sometimes, my mind is blank. I am OK with literal titles or more inspiring ones. I like to get creative and play with words and their meaning. So there are a lot of possibilities with artwork titles. I don’t see it as a burden but as part of the creative process.

Why did you choose art in your life?

As many other artists have already said, art chose me. My art is the product of my experiences; Art is the best way to experience life. At some point, I needed to express myself through visual art. It was a breakthrough. Art is also a source of well-being for me. I find a lot of peace, joy, and serenity through art. Art is one of the best choices I have ever made.