Interview with Vivetta Sarri

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi – Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”

A paragraph about myself

I was born, live and work in Thessaloniki. 

I am a graduate of the School of Early Childhood Education-AUTh and Teaching Department School- AUTh. I have also  worked as a kindergarten teacher for many years. My passion for art and creativity is a strong part of my personality since I was young. I have taken a lot of workshops and seminars about art and culture and keep on expanding my horizons – as art is my true love.

Inspiration sources

My artistic thinking and expression are fuelled by powerful concepts, that arise from contact between nature, people and human relationships. Light is a great source of inspiration. The light of the life-giving sun, the light which everything in the universe evolves, the inner light, which every human being has within him, as an energetic force.

Materials you use

My paintings reflect a deep appreciation for the diverse possibilities of materials and techniques. I always try to skill-fully incorporate various types of materials in my artworks to serve specific concepts and achieve desired effects. For instance, I may use oils for their plasticity and acrylics for their versatility, carefully selecting each component to achieve the desired outcome.

Technique and style

I am in love with oil paintings, mixed techniques, abstract techniques, prints, stencils…

Pouring or applying -accordingly for the best performance of each subject. My painting style is postmodern through my own filters, the composition is surreal, the writing impressionist. At the beginning of my path in art I created figurative artworks, followed by abstract pieces of expression.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

The point of completion of each project is defined when I look at the project and it feels emotional and strong.  When I realize that the viewers will be able to understand my message and thoughts.

How important is the title of your work and how do you choose each title?

The title is the name of the project, identifies it, briefly describes its subject matters. It is a way for the viewer to target a work, analyse its meaning, understand and perceive the artist’s thoughts. I build my ideas by thinking about the title. But there are sometimes when the painting, as a living organism leads me to other routes of creation, so I re-choose another title, which may be similar or even different from the original.  

Why did you choose art in your life?

From an early age, art and creation made me feel emotional. Painting for me is like sharing my soul with the rest of the world and it really feels captivating.

It’s a source of inspiration, thoughts, experiences, emotions. Art is a journey full of colours and beauty.

As an artist but also as an educator; knowing the power of art to distinguish and establish a new perception of beauty is everything to me. It is really important for me to feel that I contribute in a better, more beautiful world.