Interview with Lexova


Lexova: “I have a dual mind, both attracted by mathimatics and art at the same time”

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi-Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”


A paragraph of myself

I am a French, freelance artist who enjoys playing with colours and shapes, and I am an amateur photographer of architecture, urban design, street scenes and of any object, landscape, or scenery that catch my eyes, from unusual angles or an unexpected perspective. I take several photos every day that I subsequently edit, distort, connect, associate or dissociate to generate exclusive pictures, graphic designs and digital artworks or collages.

My Inspiration

My main sources of inspiration are the 20th century American pop artists and abstract artists (Andy Warhol, Ellsworth Kelly, Cy Twombly, Bridget Riley, to name a few), including the Russian avant-garde artists. My artworks are photo prints on aluminium or on canvas, perfect for modern design of private homes or offices. 

My mediums

My digital artworks are printed in square formats, either on aluminium support or on canvas support, in three different dimensions : 30 x 30 cm, 40 x 40 cm and 60 x 60 cm.

My Technique and Style

My artworks are all abstract photo collages, made from photo shots taken by me, and assembled according to my inspiration of the moment using different web applications.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

The technique I use implies infinite possibilities to edit, combine and associate several photos, and use a lot of different color associations. The choice of colors is very important, I use bright colors most of the time, and I like colors contrasts based on primary colors. The point of completion is very intuitive, when I feel the combination of colors and shapes satisfies my inspiration of the moment.

How important is naming your artworks? How do you choose a name?

Originally, I had no titles for my artworks, and no narrative, as I thought that each person that would look at them would imagine something different, and I wanted to leave it open. Currently, I tend to use titles referring to the colors combinations or the main feature or shape represented in the collage.

Why did you choose art in your life?

I have always had a dual mind, attracted by logics and mathematics on one side and literature and art on the other side, and I have enjoyed being creative, designing clothes or objects, since my childhood. I have a career as a lawyer in the finance industry, but at some stage I thought I needed more art and creativity in my life, and decided to work part time and devote my new free time to art creation.