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Evanthia Chalkidou has always been an artist from her childhood, through her teenage years, and into adulthood. Her first experience was with a Kodak Instamatic 155x. Color, development, capture! She quickly decided that her brush was the camera lens, and through it, she creates her own world.

Passion, intensity for anything creative. She pursued studies in graphic design and, since 1991, has extensively studied photography. In 1993, as a founding member of the Thessaloniki Photography Center (ΦΚΘ), she signed as Evi with a “beta” and embarked on a creative decade of group and solo exhibitions in the photographic-artistic world. Simultaneously, she worked as an editor, photographer, and visual arts columnist for the magazine “14 Days and Nights” in Thessaloniki. Her direct involvement with the artistic world further stimulated her exploration of the technical and artistic aspects, working with analog images and discovering that collage offers a new visual perception for her own world.

Her continuous exploration within art, with boldness and courage, permeates her canvases and screens, creating with complete freedom, unbound by rules, guided by emotion and instinct, with colors and lines full of passion and intensity.

Decorating spaces is the most important element in her works, as her many years of work in this area have marked her subsequent journey. Her works adorn both residential and professional spaces.

Her principles and beliefs are “live,” “discover,” “create,” and “react.” She produces and works with passion and intensity across a wide range of techniques. She listens to a lot of music, loves summer, the blue of the sea, the sun, warmth, and travel.

1991: Spyridoneia, Municipality of Triandria
1993: “Mylos” (Details), Cultural Center of Triandria
1994: “Carnagio ’94,” Aigli
1991: “Untitled,” Triandria Town Hall
1995: “21×29 With What Color? Blue?” Café-Bar Vertigo
1996: “Thessaloniki as We Know It,” Thessaloniki Photography Center
1996: “Optical Situations,” Gallery Dimiourgia
1996: “Thessaloniki at the Turn of the Century”
1997: “Redefinitions”
2011: “The People’s Baths,” esp+ IEK
2011: Cheap Art Photo
2011-12: “Traces – Shadows – Hints,” Festival Contrast
2023: “Countless Redefinitions,” Remezzo Multipurpose Hall