Interview with Eleni Simoni

Eleni Simoni: “Art chose me!!”

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi-Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”


A paragraph of myself

I started working, as a professional artist, very recently. I was always involved in art projects – through fashion, art PR and art direction. The fear of covid was a significant push for me to express my thoughts and secrets on blank canvases.
I believe art is everywhere and I am trying to support and celebrate other emerging artists everyday with the brand new online magazine I have founded and curate “Goodnight”. The goal is to celebrate and support emerging artists creating a community around art and good mental health.
Τhe world has reached an inspiration plateau and we all need art; especially with the huge political and environmental crisis we are going through as a planet.

My Inspiration

My inspiration sources are mainly dreams, contrasts, boyfriends.

My mediums

A trademark of mine is the use of photography with manual editing on top with oils, acids, coins, beauty products, tea and all types of tools. My main material is oil – which is the one I love the most.

My Technique and Style

As mentioned earlier my main technique is mixed media – creating a contrasting sign including photography realism and dreamy vibes with abstract oil colours.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

I believe the end is purely a matter of “feel” and not a matter of “think” when it comes to your own artwork.

How important is naming your artworks? How do you choose a name?

I try not to overanalyze the titles but just write down the words that come to my mind first.

Why did you choose art in your life?

Art chose me!! Art for me is a form of therapy.




Art’s Birthplace, Time of Art Gallery in Athens (Sept – Oct 2020)

Exposed Art Exhibition, Anatolia College Thessaloniki (May – June 2012)