Interview with Efi Doulia


Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi – Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”

A few words about myself

I would describe myself as a hard-working woman who is very passionate about her work. I am generally a social person with my quirks and phobias.


Inspiration sources

My sex life and the sex life of others. A touch, an image, a movement, a movie scene, a story, a whisper.

Materials you use

Pencils, charcoal, acrylics

Technique and style

Realistic, gestural and abstract

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

When I don’t want to add anything else.

How important is the title of your work and how do you choose each title?

The title is not important, most of the time I choose it afterwards.

Why did you choose art in your life?

At first because I was good at it. Then, because it became necessary in my life.
