Interview with Aggeliki Vourtsi

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi – Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”

A paragraph about myself

Painting is like meditation for me. My studio is my happy place where I enjoy being in it for countless hours by myself.

When my work is going public, it is my message being delivered to the world. It is always fascinating to connect with other souls through my paintings.

Sometimes it is illustration that comes to the front on the creative stage – and usually there are more than two projects that are created in parallel both in illustration and painting. 

Inspiration sources

My inspiration comes mainly from my day to day life. Music and lyrics I come across, the people I meet and interact with, the Nature and the Summers on the Greek islands are all together a great source of inspiration for me. 

Materials you use

My favourite medium so far is acrylic paints because they dry fast and they match with the style I work, which is quick, in order to stay in the creative flow. Ink, charcoal and oil-pastels are the additional materials that I love to use to add details to my artworks. 

Technique and style

I paint abstracts, usually organic shapes and lines that interact with each other. I use vibrant colours in many layers  that reveal themselves partially.  

Which ever part of my artwork captivates your sight, there will always be something happening in terms of texture and details. Imitating life -where there are intersecting universes colliding simultaneously and fertilising each other.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

Knowing where to “stop” is the most difficult part both in painting and life. That is the reason the paintings need time to “rest” in the studio in order to evolve and I need to revisit them enough times before I feel that they are done and I don’t need to touch them furthermore.

How important is the title of your work and how do you choose each title?

Titles of artworks really interest me as a topic in general, as they give to the viewer a hint about my feelings, ideas and influences while creating the painting.Most of the times when I put start with the first brushstroke on the canvas I am whispering a phrase or just a word that becomes  the main theme of the painting and this usually follows me through all the stages of creation. Sometimes it ends up being also the title.

Why did you choose art in your life?

I didn’t t “choose” art. It is an impulse that comes from within. I didn’t “become” a painter, but I “have always been” one although at the beginning I was afraid to say it out loud. Creating is inevitable for me and it is mandatory for a full-filled life.