Interview with Andreas Tzanoudakis

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi – Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”

A paragraph about myself

All the visual arts moved me and I have approached them all more or less. Focusing on painting when I was younger, and by coincidental events I was led to wood sculpture.


Inspiration sources

I believe that every creator is inspired by his subconscious, which has records of images and shapes from his whole life! Taken either from nature or social stimuli.

Materials you use

Wood is my main art material and additionally crystals and minerals.

Technique and style

My art-works are governed by 2 periods, one with more classical depictions, and the more recent from a more abstract style.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

The moment I feel that the work has covered me aesthetically and intellectually.

How important is the title of your work and how do you choose each title?

The title is important, in order to convey laconically the character of the work.
