Interview with Georgia Trouli

Georgia Trouli: “I paint because I want to expand the boundaries of time and reality”

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi-Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”


A paragraph of myself

I paint because I want to expand the boundaries of time and reality. Sometimes I feel like I am entering the pure source of existence. I love combining long walks and cycling with photography . I like the sea. Many times let myself observe and listen to people.

I really like traveling abroad, I like Greece and I love spending time at home. I get excited when I learn and discover new things. I consider everything a process of maturation and expansion. I almost never get bored and I rarely consider things a waste of time. I have chosen to see my life this way. I let go of things and concentrate on a constant alternation of intensity. Sometimes, I feel I am in a deep ancestral starting point. I reconciled with this. My work and my relationship with Art is my source of energy.

My Inspiration

Information that stimulate my 5 senses, my brain or emotional processes and certain projects that mobilize hyperlinks and my desire to capture the moment.

My mediums

Chinese ink, Acrylics, Charcoal, Oils

My Technique and Style

I mainly focus in minimalistic forms on canvas

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

I believe that, as said before, no project is ever completed. It stops at a certain point in time that the artist thinks is interesting.

How important is naming your artworks? How do you choose a name?

I do not pay much attention in choosing a title.  I mainly choose in a spontaneous and natural way. Many of my works I use to let untitled, giving space for reductions and interpretations to the viewer.

Why did you choose art in your life?

I choose to see my whole life as art. From the simplest, everyday vibe to its highest vibrations.  And this is why Art chose me.