Interview with Vasiliki Karapanagiotidou

Vasiliki Karapanagiotidou

Interview to Sissy Sigioultzi-Rooka, Philologist, Writer, member of the Union of Journalists Periodical & Electronic Press NWE, Radio Producer at and President of the”Greek Cyprus Cultural Association”


A paragraph of myself

I live and work in Thessaloniki. I graduated from Fine Arts and Sciences Of Art, University of Ioannina, painting section. My work focuses mainly on the human masses that I observe at my everyday life. Sometimes, I isolate them on real spaces and sometimes in imaginary ones. Through the act of observation, begins a deconstruction that intends to emphasize a certain detail, a small part of greater interest than its environment. My purpose is, through my works and images, to stimulate the viewer to think and feel.

My Inspiration

My works are related to the human forms observed in my everyday life. At a time that information is constantly flowing in all directions, I try to discern what is important to me as a whole – a freeze on a stage. In between crowds of people where colorful masses define the urban landscape, there lies the beginning, the source of inspiration.

My mediums

Acrylics and emulsion, carbon, ink on canvas, paper and fabric.

My Technique and Style

I mainly chose to experiment on color forms and symbolisms.

How do you define the end, the point of completion for each one of your artworks?

Somehow, the end comes on its own, when I feel covered, full of what I have created, no time constraints.

How important is naming your artworks? How do you choose a name?

Naming my works usually comes up when completing and has to do with the subject that depicts the respective work. The first word or phrase I usually think of.

Why did you choose art in your life?

Art calms me down and wakes me up at the same time, makes me forget and take hold of myself me at the same time. The time I spend alone with myself fills me up, so, mainly, I do it for myself. It may not be a matter of choice, but a matter of necessity